Rob van der Laan has always been interested in the areas where legal science and economics meet. After finishing his masters degrees in both economics ('drs.') and international law ('mr.'), he continued as a PhD student at the Department of Economics and Public Finance of the Law Faculty,University of Groningen. This book, 'The European Environmental Policy with Respect to Stationary Sources; Harmonisation versus Differentiation', is the product of the research done there and at CSERGE, University of East Anglia. Rob van der Laan received his doctorate in December 2002.
The book will be available in printed form only in Dutch university libraries. The book can be quoted as:
The European Environmental Policy with Respect to Stationary Sources; Harmonisation versus Differentiation, R. van der Laan, Groningen, 2002.
Previous publications include:
Competitive Distortions in EU Environmental Legislation: Inefficiency versus Inequity, R. van der Laan and A. Nentjes, European Journal of Law and Economics, 11:2, 131-152, 2001
Economische Sancties in Theorie en Praktijk, R. van der Laan, series Development en Security, nr.44, December 1994, Centre for Development Studies, Groningen
Het Nederlandse Milieu in Europees Perspectief, R. van der Laan and A. Nentjes, Economisch Statistische Berichten (ESB), June 24, 1992
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